Category Archives: Daily Prompts


Have you taken one of those tests that classify you as either a Type A or a Type B? I often come up straddling both sides in these tests: whether left brain or right, introvert or extrovert, Type A or B. If I were astrologically inclined I’d say this would be because I was born on the cusp of two signs, and therefore I am never quite one, nor the other.

What has this got to do with output? Well, it links to how I feel when I don’t produce enough output – whether creatively or at work – and at the same time, feeling like I care but I don’t care about it. Always feeling in between, wanting to do more but also wanting to do less. Type A, allegedly, would fret over this while Type B would take it in stride. And that captures a lot about what I feel are outcomes – or outputs – of efforts that I put in.

In a sense I think I am in the right place, working towards outputs rather than getting too hung up about process. So career wise I think I’ve steered myself towards a broadly relevant direction.

But in my bid to slow down and take stock more, I do want to still produce output. But at what rate?

(Urgh, my thinking around this whole piece has been around concepts of efficiency and Returns on Investment. Not good…)